The Agency salutes the life and career of Engr. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre, former DOST-ASTI OIC (November 1992 – March 1993)

3 Feb 2022 6:44 PM
DOST-ASTI > Resources > Media Release > The Agency salutes the life and career of Engr. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre, former DOST-ASTI OIC (November 1992 – March 1993)

The Agency salutes the life and career of Engr. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre, former DOST-ASTI OIC (November 1992 – March 1993)



Engr. Louis Napoleon C. Casambre, a leader and an influencer who created an impressive impact in the field of Science and Technology (S&T), sadly passed away Wednesday 2 February 2022.  

Casambre’s remarkable career spanned both private and government leadership roles, as well as 36 years of experience in Electronics and Information Technology (IT). It is with the highest respect and admiration that we remember his enormous influence in the field of S&T. 

Louis Casambre’s industry tenure was preceded by a successful government career. 

Casambre began his professional IT career with the then newly formed Microelectronics Division of the Advanced Science and Technology Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-ASTI). During this period, he established the Institute’s Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) laboratory. 

This experience served him well when went on to work in the private sector, his last stint being the Division Director of ROHM LSI Design Philippines, an owned subsidiary of ROHM Semiconductor of Japan, one of the top semiconductor companies in the world. 

Returning to government service, he was appointed as the Executive Director, with the rank of Undersecretary, of the then nascent Information and Communications Technology Office of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-ICTO), which would later become the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). One of his goals was to make significant contributions to improve the lives of Filipinos through ITs as a catalyst in socio-economic development.  

Louis Casambre was a mentor to many - he possessed outstanding skills as a “servant leader,” who brought humility and grace to all his interactions with clients, co-workers, superiors, or employees. 

Engr. Samuel A. Molines, who once served as DOST-ASTI Officer-In-Charge (November 1998 – November 1999), and who initially worked with Louis Calambre as a young engineer shared how Casambre boosted his confidence. You believed in me more than I did. Thank you for being a good mentor and friend”, Molines said. 

Carmencita M. Echano, former Finance and Administrative Division (FAD) Chief (December 1989 – March 2018) also shared her experience with Casambre, “Napakasipag ni Louis, to the point na sa office na siya natutulog. On one occasion, our then DOST Secretary dropped by early in the morning and he could not open the office of Louis because it was still locked. Thank you, Louis, for being so nice to me.” 

Former Computer Software Division (CSD) Chief (December 1993 – July 1998) Ernesto Antonio R. Tarroza, Jr. also said of Casambre, “I’ve always looked up to Louis as a highly technical person who knows his chops. I remember our casual and relaxed conversations even after difficult meetings having us on opposite sides of the table.” 

Louis Casambre combined a tremendous understanding of information technology, governance, and science.  He was dedicated to advancing information technology in the Philippines and develop information technology throughout the government to improve government service in a highly technical world. 

DOST-ASTI sends our deepest condolences to Louis Casambre’s family on his passing. 

We salute Louis’ distinguished career, and we will always remember his service.