The Computing and Archiving Research Environment (COARE) targets to enable multiple data integration from ASTI-initiated projects and collaborative projects with other agencies that have high requirements for data storage and high-performance computing.
Established in 2014 at the Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) of DOST, the Computing and Archiving Research Environment (COARE) is a High-Performance Computing and Cloud facility that allows free access of its services to students, researchers, and data analysts.
Objectives of the Facility
To foster collaboration by providing a platform for easy storage, analysis and sharing of environmental and geospatial data, as well as provide better access to high performance computing resources by:
- establishing a durable and highly available repository for environmental data, including systems for archiving and access, and providing recommendations to the PGIF on data sharing, access, and storage; and,
- upgrading the existing computing system facility intended to test and run computationally intensive applications for numerical weather prediction, climate modeling, as well as analytics and data modeling.
Target Beneficiaries
Meteorologists, Weather Forecasters, Researchers, Scientists, and Students
Expected Outcome
- Consolidated effort and resources pertaining to environmental and geospatial data, as a result of having a unified platform for easy storage, analysis, and sharing of environmental and geospatial data, as well as providing better access to high-performance computing resources.
- Enhanced policy and decision-making for disaster management

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The DOST-ASTI launched the ICT for the Environment Program in 2008 primarily aimed to develop cost-effective platforms and applications for real-time monitoring of environmental parameters, as well as automate the process from data gathering to transmission. At the same time, DOST-ASTI launched the Philippine e-Science Grid (PSciGrid), which was the Agency’s response to the emerging need for a national initiative on grid computing for e-Science. PSciGrid was initiated to address the science and technology community’s need to have a concerted effort towards fully harnessing ICT infrastructures that can benefit the country’s local research and development, and essentially, for researchers and scientists to participate in cutting-edge collaborative scientific research that aims to solve global problems.
Through the PSciGrid Program, a high-performance computing facility was established in DOST-ASTI. This facility is intended to offer computational and data grid services to national, educational and research institutions that require high-speed computing to process the large amount of data that they handle. Significantly, among the applications that are run in this facility are on numerical and climate modelling which are being used by PAGASA, Manila Observatory, Ateneo de Manila University, UP-NIGS, UP-IESM, among others.
Current Services
The Computing and Archiving Research Environment (COARE) Facility aims to initiate multiple-data integration and collaborations with academic institutions, organizations, and individuals in all fields of scientific domain to support research and development (R&D) work and research and data sharing. This objective is realized through providing a platform for high-performance computing, storage, analysis, and sharing of scientific data, as the COARE Facility responds to the high-computing and data storage needs of the scientific community. At present, the COARE Facility’s standard services include High-Performance Computing (HPC), Science Cloud, and Data Archiving.
The COARE Facility Service Catalogue provides a centralized and detailed source of information about the services that the COARE Facility currently maintains and offers. A brief description of COARE Facility’s standard services and the high-level system architecture setup for each service are outlined below:
The HPC (Supercomputing) service can be utilized for the processing of massive amounts of data that require high-speed and resource-intensive computations and powerful computing resources. Compared to an average desktop computer, the HPC can deliver and more accurate results.
Science Cloud
The Science Cloud service enables the provision of virtual machines (VM) for cloud-based applications and computing. Virtual Machines can be accessed remotely, and it enables private sharing of data and system access among specific groups.
Data Archiving
The Data Archiving service is composed of a highly available repository that can accommodate various storage requirements of COARE users and to store data on a short-term or long-term basis. Data generated through these services can serve as input to various discovery or high-impact research and contribute to scientific-based policy and decision-making.
Connect With Us
Know more about the Computing and Archiving Research Environment by clicking the following links and by contacting us through e-mail.
- Wiki Page: COARE Wiki
- Facebook: The COARE Facility
- E-mail: gridops@asti.dost.gov.ph