GAD Planning and Budgeting: From Preparation to GAD Funds Audit

16 Nov 2020 2:34 PM

Organizer: Philippine Commission on Women

Date: October 15, 2020

Link: PCW Facebook page


This learning session is clustered into three important portions of GAD Planning and Budgeting. The first part focused on the steps and procedure in preparing a GAD Plan and Budget, a systematically designed set of programs, projects, and activities to be implemented over a given period of time. The second part highlighted the elements, processes and procedures for submission, review and endorsement of GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report of National Government Agencies based on the Circulars issued by PCW such as the GAD Budget Call and PCW-NEDA-DBM JC 2012-01. While the last part discussed the comprehensive audit of a government agency’s policies, funds, programs, projects, and activities focusing on the area of GAD to determine economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of interventions in addressing gender issues.