2021 Observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)

9 Nov 2021 2:38 PM

2021 Observance of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW)

The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), in collaboration with the Inter-Agency Council on Violence Against Women and Their Children (IACVAWC), conducts the countrywide commemoration of the 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW).

This year's campaign seeks to raise awareness of the Safe Spaces Act (RA 11313 or SSA) among the general public as well as the organizations tasked with enforcing the law. The slogan for this year is "Filipino Marespeto; Safe Spaces, Kasali Tayo."

In light of the foregoing, government agencies and instrumentalities, non-governmental organizations, sectoral groups, private and civil society organizations, and individuals at the national, regional, and local levels are encouraged to participate in any of the 2021 18-Day Campaign to End VAW activities.

For more information, please visit the Philippine Commission on Women’s website at https://pcw.gov.ph/ and Facebook Page at https://web.facebook.com/PCWgovph#SanaAllSpacesSafe