PhNOG 2024 Week riding high with 30 years of Philippine Internet

5 Jul 2024 3:25 PM

5 July 2024, Quezon City, Philippines - The Philippine Network Operators Group (PhNOG), a volunteer-based organization that has grown over the years, and advocates to advance the Internet ecosystem in the country, leads the continuing celebration of 30 years of Philippine Internet with PhNOG 2024 Week on July 8 to 12 at the New World Makati Hotel.

The week-long event, which marks PhNOG’s 15th conference, is attended by network operators, telecommunication companies, internet service providers (ISPs), and other internet professionals and practitioners from both the private and public sectors. Envisioned as an open and collaborative platform for knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices on internet development, the bi-annual PhNOG conference has an array of topics and agenda discussed in various sessions such as technical meetings (Meeting Day), technical tracks (IP peering forum), and a Conference (main plenary). As part of its advocacy on the continuing evolution of the local Internet infrastructure and contributing to global Internet community development, PhNOG also organizes technical workshops during the week. This year, workshop topics include BGP & IPv6 Deployment; IXP, RPKI & DNSSEC; and Open Radio Access Network (ORAN) 101. 

PhNOG Chair Achie Atienza expressed thanks to the local internet community for the support and interest in participating in PhNOG 2024 Week. Atienza says, “This is a landmark year for Philippine Internet as we celebrate its 30 years and for PhNOG as a community and catalyst on how Philippine Internet was shaped, especially on our work with domestic peering and interconnection which are the baseline for optimal connectivity.”

The BGP & IPv6 Deployment workshop, which will be facilitated by APNIC Academy trainers, is co-organized by the DOST - Advanced Science and Technology Institute, through its APNIC Foundation/ ISIF Asia-funded project Open Network Testbed Laboratory for Internet Technologies Deployment and Experimentation (ON-IDLE). The Project addresses the focus areas under ISIF Asia’s IPv6 Deployment Grant through IPv6 training and deployment that targets universities or colleges in the regions, as well as cable TV operators who are now also ISPs. Most commercial telcos and advanced network operators have already deployed IPv6 in their infrastructure and operations, however, they do not engage in advocacy and capacity-building activities for small operators, government agencies, or the academe. 

ASTI Director Dr. Franz De Leon expressed full support for PhNOG 2024 Week, saying, “It’s logical for DOST-ASTI to come together with fellow IPv6 advocates PhNOG and APNIC Academy, to co-organize this workshop that aligns with the objectives of the ON-IDLE project.”



About PhNOG

PhNOG is a non-profit organization managed by a community of volunteers with the main objective of advancing the Internet ecosystem in the country.

  • Its volunteers are representative of various stakeholder groups and disciplines, including professionals, academe/students, research and development institutes, commercial entities and public sector.
  • Since 2017, PhNOG conducts bi-annual conferences; the local major event following APRICOT during the first semester, and a regional initiative on the next half. These are envisioned as open and collaborative platforms for knowledge exchange and sharing of best practices.
  • PhNOG strongly advocates for the continuing evolution of the local IP infrastructure while contributing to the global IP community development.