DOST-ASTI equips DICT on DNS Administration

22 Apr 2019 9:14 AM

Quezon City, Ph -- Following the announcement of the official turnover of the administration of the [] domain to the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST) hosted a two-day DNS Administration Training last 3-4 April 2019.

The training was attended by two groups from DICT coming from the National Government Portal (NGP) and the Government Online Services Division. The training aimed to capacitate the DICT representatives with the necessary knowledge and information they need for the administration of the domain.

Mr. Rene C. Mendoza, chief of DOST-ASTI's Knowledge Management Division (KMD) together with Ms. Girlie D. Fernandez of Management Information System (MIS) supervised and directed the implementation of the training module. They discussed and talked through topics ranging from the Domain Name System (DNS) to DNS/DNSSEC Software overview, and even up to the Philippine government’s Internet domain names policy.

The participants were also apprised and informed of the Advanced DNS Operations and Security which included discussions on DNS replication, serial numbers, the configuration of Master and Slave, among other format and records information.

The target date for the official turnover will be on 5 May 2019.  In the meantime, DOST-ASTI will still be accepting DNS requests for registration and modification while necessary preparations are on-going.

Stay tuned for more DOST-ASTI and DICT activities in connection with this domain administration transfer.