DOST-ASTI CoARE Aims for More Collab, Data Sharing

6 Jul 2018 5:19 PM

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - Advanced Science and Technology Institute (ASTI) established the Philippine Open Internet Exchange (PHOpenIX) as a neutral and non-commercial Internet Exchange that will encourage local telecommunication companies and other data service providers to interconnect ("peer") their networks.

Recently, a concern was raised about the IP addresses that the DOST-ASTI advertises to its partners in the PHOpenIX. The DOST-ASTI clarifies that its entire IP address block ( is being provided and advertised to all peering partners; and that information about this address block was already available to all its partners in 2016 as part of the peering contracts or membership agreement documents.In specific reference to the site "", it should be noted that IPv4 address of this site is embedded or subsumed within the IP block Consequently, the contents of "" have always been accessible through the more direct peering route to the partners. This implementation, where individual addresses within advertised blocks are not required to be further white-listed downstream, is consistent with modern peering and network prefix routing advertisement practices worldwide.

DOST-ASTI would like to assure the general public and its partners of its commitment to establishing and sustaining an open, inclusive and robust Internet Exchange that promotes the benefits of the Internet for Filipinos. This statement is issued in the spirit of transparency, which has guided and continues to define the philosophy and practice of the DOST-ASTI in the implementation of PHOpenIX.