The Computing and Archiving Research Environment (CoARE) Project of the Department of Science and Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) conducted a three-hour ASTI-HPC Users' Training last April 19, 2017 participated by University of the Philippines MS Meteorology students of Dr. Gay Jane Perez of the UP-IESM. The lecture-training focused on how to utilize the High-Performance Computing capabilities of the CoARE facility in ASTI, which is open for use by researchers in the academe, government, and other research organizations for free.

The discussions in the lecture-training covered an overview and basic usage of the HPC system of the CoARE facility. Aside from that, several topics were covered including Suggested Applications, SSH Keys, Cluster Connections, and Job Management on the HPC. Also, one of CoARE’s Senior Science Research Specialists, Jay Samuel Combinido, facilitated the training and shared some information on RegCM or the Regional Climate Model system, which would be very valuable for the students in getting familiarized with climate models. There was also a demo where all of the students were able to access and run commands on the HPC remotely.
Students had an overview of the Regional Climate Model System
This lecture is the first of three series of lectures which will be conducted for the MS Meteorology students. CoARE aims to foster more mutually beneficial partnerships like these with other researchers, students, and academics in order to generate and uphold collaborative knowledge using the capabilities of HPC.
Mr. Jay Samuel Combinido gave the lecture on HPC
For more information regarding the training or the project, please visit and like CoARE Project’s Facebook and Twitter pages.