AI Safety Asia and DOST presents Virtual Roundtable on Asia’s Perspective on AI Safety: X Risks or Spectrum of Risks? [Manila Roundtable]
AI Safety Asia (AISA), supported by the Department of Science and Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) and WhiteBox Research, will be hosting a virtual roundtable - AI Safety: X Risks or Spectrum of Risks? [Manila Roundtable] on 25th October, 10:00am - 11:30am Manila time (3:00 am UK 25th Oct / 10:00pm ET 24th Oct).
Building on AISA’s successful inaugural Jakarta Roundtable, the Manila Roundtable is part of a broader series of regional roundtable discussions convened by AISA, a non-profit organization which aims to usher the next generation of AI Safety talent in Asia through multistakeholder dialogues and scholar programs.
The Philippines has emerged as a global leader in adopting generative AI among knowledge workers, according to recent studies. The roundtable will be a lively dialogue with leading AI policy and governance experts to learn about the technical and regulatory challenges and opportunities faced by one of the fastest-growing markets in AI adoption.
The roundtable aims to bring together leading experts, policymakers, and stakeholders in the field of AI, to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities of AI safety in the Asian context.
To RSVP, visit this link here by 23rd October at 11:59 pm Manila time. For questions or suggestions about the event, you can send an email to
About AISA
AI Safety Asia (AISA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing catastrophic AI risks by enhancing AI safety and governance in Asia. AISA aims to bridge the gap between the Global North and South by fostering local talent, conducting policy research, and promoting intergenerational dialogue on AI safety.
The Advanced Science and Technology Institute is an agency of the Department of Science and Technology, Republic of the Philippines (DOST-ASTI) mandated to undertake research and development activities aimed at strengthening and modernizing Information and Communications Technology and microelectronics. The DOST – ASTI continues to dedicate itself to delivering technology solutions in support of a productive and resilient Filipino society.
About Whitebox Research
WhiteBox is a non-profit initiative that aims to solve open research problems in AI interpretability and develop more AI safety researchers in Southeast Asia.