Environment Modules

Last modified by Administrator on Fri, 09/22/2023, 7:09 PM
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Environment modules are files needed to successfully/optimally run applications in HPC. These enable controlling/managing of applications in an HPC environment. With environment modules, we can have multiple versions of the same application without the compromising the operation system (OS).

Module Files

  • Module files are scripts that define the particular variables that need to be set per application.
  • Each application has its own module file.
  • Associated module files are available for packages installed in /opt/hpcc.


  1. View existing Module/s
    module avail


  2. Informative listing of modules
    module whatis


  3. Load preferred application and version
    module load <name>/<version> or module add <name>/<version>

    NOTE: Packages will also load the module files of prerequisites when available.


  4. View currently loaded module
    module list


  5. Remove specific module currently loaded
    module unload


  6. Remove all currently loaded modules
    module purge


  7. Load Modules Automatically on Login

    Modules can be automatically loaded on a user's shell environment by adding the appropriate module commands into the ~/.bashrc file.

    NOTE: You can use the “Tab” key to autocomplete or view matching name/s or version/s.
