Basic Linux Commands
The following are some of the Linux commands and their purposes:
Command Prompt Basics
Command | Description |
pwd | show current working directory |
man man | displays manual information on the manual command |
man <command> | displays manual information on <command> |
clear | clears the screen |
exit | exits the command interpreter |
history | show which commands you ran |
Manipulating Directories
Command | Description |
cd | go to home directory |
cd .. | go to the previous/parent directory |
cd <directory> | go to specific directory |
mkdir <directory> | create directory |
rmdir <directory> | remove empty directory |
Listing Files
Command | Description |
ls | list files and sub directories in the current directory excluding hidden files |
ls -a | list all files and sub directories, including hidden files |
ls -l | long list of files and sub directories displaying the permissions, owner, group, size, date, time, name |
ls -lh | long list of files and subdirectories with human-readable size |
ls -lt | long list of files and sub directories sorted by time |
ls -lr | long list of files and sub directories in reverse order |
ls -ltrh | long list of files and sub directories sorted by time, in reverse order, with human readable size |
Moving Files
Command | Description |
mv <source> <dest> | move file/directory <source> to a file/directory <dest> |
mv -i <source> <dest> | move file/directory <source> to a file/directory <dest> prompt before overwriting if it exists |
mv -f <source> <dest> | move file/directory <source> to a file/directory <dest> overwrite <dest> if it exists |
mv <file-old> <file-new> | change file/directory name to a new file/directory name |
Removing Files
Command | Description |
rm <file> | remove file <file> |
rm -i <file> | remove file <file> prompt before removing |
rm -r <directory> | remove directory <directory> |
rm –rf <directory> | remove all sub directories and files |
Copying Files
Command | Description |
cp <source> <dest> | copy file <source> to file <dest> |
cp -i <source> <dest> | copy file <source> to file <dest> prompt before overwriting <dest> if it exists |
cp -r <source> <dest> | copy directory <source> to directory <dest> copy all sub directories and files |
Viewing Files
Command | Description |
cat <file> | concatenate file/s and print on screen |
more <file> | view single page at a time |
less <file> | view single page at a time with scrolling |
head <file> | print top of file on screen |
tail <file> | print bottom of file on screen |
tailf | Print bottom of file on screen then follows new input appended to the file |
Text Editor
Command | Description |
nano <file> | edit file using nano |
Ctrl+O | write out |
Ctrl+X | exit editor |
vim <file> | edit file using vim/vi |
i | insert text |
Esc u | undo the last change |
Ctrl+R | redo the last change |
Esc dd | delete current line |
Esc :x | exit, saving changes |
Esc :q | exit as long as there have been no changes |
Esc :q! | exit and ignore any changes |
Esc :set nu | show line numbers |
Esc /<text> | search |
Extract and Compress Files
Command | Description |
tar -xvzf <file.tar.gz> | extract gzip files verbosely |
tar -xvjf <> | extract bzip2 files verbosely |
tar -xvJf <file.tar.xz> | extract xz/lzip files verbosely |
tar -cvf <file.tar> <file/folder-to-compress> | compress tar file verbosely |
unzip <> | unzip zip file |
Downloading Files from the Internet
Command | Description |
wget <URL> | download |
wget -c <URL> | resume download |
wget -i <filename> | download multiple files Note: Filename should contain all URLS for the files |
Transferring of Files from Local Machine to Server (Vice Versa)
Command | Description |
rsync | remote and file synchronization tool |
rsync -avhP <user@ip-address:/src/path> <dst-path> | copying files from a remote server to a local machine -v verbose mode -h human-readable -P progress |
rsync -avhP <src-path> <user@ip-address:dst-path> | copying files from local to remote server |
rsync -avhP -partial <src-path> <dst-path> | ensuring copy won’t start again after disconnection |
scp | secure copy (remote file copy program) |
scp –rv <user@ip-address:src-path> <dst-path> | copying files from a remote server to a local machine -r recursively copy entire directories -v verbose mode |
scp -rv <src-path> <user@ip-address:dst-path> | copying files from local to remote server |
Multiplexer for Terminal Sessions on One Window
Command | Description |
screen –S <name> | create screen session |
screen -ls | list active screen sessions |
screen –dr <id/name> | reattach to screen |
screen -S <id> -X quit | kill complete screen session |
Once inside screen shell, this will now be controlled by keyboard shortcuts | |
Ctrl+\+c | add a session |
Ctrl+\+k | kill a session |
Ctrl+\+n | move to next session |
Ctrl+\+p | go back to previous session |
Ctrl+\+d | detach screen session |
Ctrl+\+[ | copy/scroll mode |
Ctrl+\+] | paste buffer |